Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

Marquis de la Gomera Palace


The Palace of the Marquis de la Gomera is the most exceptional in Osuna. This 18th-century building by Juan Antonio Blanco was built circa 1770.
It is a prime example of Andalusian Civil Baroque. It has an interesting two-storey façade crowned with a unique mixtilinear cornice decorated with volutes and curved mouldings and gargoyle-shaped cannons. The style combines a baroque design with touches of colonial architecture. A lookout-tower stands on one of the ends. 

Another essential element is its extraordinary portal. The cluster of pillars and pilasters on both sides of the doorway rests on curved pedestals. The second level of the portal rises above the main balcony, with an opening in the centre flanked by double Solomonic columns that support an arched pediment with a tympanum emblazoned with the family coat-of-arms.

Past the entrance hall is a large central courtyard that is two-storey high. A marble fountain with an octagonal base and a low basin sits in the centre of the courtyard. In one of the corners is a well-preserved domestic chapel, which although small has notable artistic value.

It has an elaborately carved, gilded wooden altarpiece with multiple mirrors embedded into its surface. The central sculpture is a Pietà a Mercy.

The building currently houses the Marqués de la Gomera Hotel-Restaurant.


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