Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

San Pedro Conventual Church


This 16th-century building is currently the home of Barefoot Carmelite nuns. San Pedro Church was founded by Pedro Téllez Girón as the burial ground for his servants. In 1558, after the Duke's death, the Barefoot Carmelite nuns who lived in another convent in Osuna (Santa Isabel Church) decided to move here, outside the walled city, to be able to lead the cloistered life they sought. They settled in San Pedro in 1564.

Interestingly, San Pedro Church was the first foundation created by the 1st Duke of Osuna (the son of Juan Téllez Girón). He and his mother, María de la Cueva, run the foundation together. The building has a typical convent architecture with a single nave covered by a barrel vault with lunettes, while the main chapel has a groin vault.

The convent is still occupied by the Barefoot Carmelites who worship here and take care of the building. They also sell convent confectionery, such as sponge cakes and madeleines, through the turntable at the entrance.
Access to the convent is free.

Opening times

10:00 - 13:00 and 16:00 - 18:30


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