
Seville enchants

Privacy policy

PRODETUR, SAU is aware of the importance of personal data privacy and has therefore, implemented a data processing policy aimed at providing the greatest possible security in their use and processing, ensuring compliance with current regulations on the subject and configuring said policy as one of the fundamental pillars of action of the company.

PRODETUR has implemented the necessary technical and organisational measures to prevent the loss, abuse, alteration, unauthorised access and theft of Personal Data that may be provided by users when accessing different sections of the website, applying the security measures that permit data processing in accordance with the principles and guarantees enshrined in Regulation (EU) 2016/679, of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 27 April 2016, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and which repeals Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).

When navigating the website, users may be asked for personal data in order to improve user experience, to contact the user if requested, or to receive digital communications from PRODETUR such as newsletters, magazines, bulletins, registration for activities, events, courses, or to provide any other information that has been requested.

Pursuant to the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 27 April 2016, on the protection of natural persons in relation to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation-GDPR), we inform you that your data will be included in records owned by PRODETUR for processing purposes.

The data shall be processed by PRODETUR, being entitled to this processing by virtue of the consent of the users, pursuant to the provisions of Article 6.1 a) of the GDPR.

What data do we collect?

  • If you subscribe exclusively to our “Local Interest Bulletin”, you will be asked for the email address where you want the bulletin to be sent.
  • If you register for training or for other courses, you will be asked for your name, surnames, Tax Identification Number (NIF in Spanish), Gender, Email, Phone Number, Postal Address, Employment Situation (Unemployed/Employed/Freelancer/Entrepreneur), your knowledge of and goals regarding the course that you are registering for, the name and activity of your employing company, and preferences regarding notifications for future courses.
  • If you register for activities or events related to the company, you will be asked for the name of your company, the name and surname of the person attending on behalf of the company, company address, email, company website, contact number, company activity, and any additional information that is volunteered regarding the company.

To receive information on activities and news that may be of interest to you, please send an email to  stating in the subject section I AGREE TO RECEIVE INFORMATION. All the communications that you receive will give you the opportunity to unsubscribe, to no longer receive our communications, and you can also unsubscribe by sending an email to the following email address

Why do we use the data?

The purpose of the records is to respond to the queries posed, or the information requested, to take into consideration the suggestions made by the users of the Web, to manage and assess users’ applications for participating in the events they register for, to manage their subscriptions to our newsletters, or notifications regarding information that is to their interest, communicating with them to provide information on new activities and news that may be of interest, as well as to store data for statistical and historical purposes within the Company.

Will the data be communicated?

The data may be communicated to the bodies funding the event or service that the user registers for, in order to monitor the correct application of the assigned funds. PRODETUR may hire entities or third parties to provide support and correctly perform the training activities or other actions that are organised by PRODETUR, in which case, the data may be communicated to said third parties or contracted entities, with the sole purpose of improving the teaching assistance provided to the attendees, as well as to include them in our online teaching platform, if the activity requires it.

For how long will we process your data?

For as long as it is necessary to fulfil the purpose for which they were collected, to fulfil the legal obligations of PRODETUR, and as long as the user does not oppose their processing, as well as until the statute of limitations for any actions that may be brought against PRODETUR in connection with the services provided, does not expire.

What are your rights?

The rights of access, rectification, erasure, objection, limitation of processing and to portability may be exercised by written communication to the Legal Department of PRODETUR, accompanied by proof of identity of the data owner, or by email to

Contact Details of the Data Protection Officer

DPD Prodetur. C/ Leonardo Da Vinci 16, Isla de la Cartuja, 41092.-Sevilla.


Although we make every effort to comply with the regulations on data protection, we inform you that if you deem your rights to have been breached, you may present a complaint to the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

Record of processing activities

We make available to you our Record of processing activities