Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

Santa Cruz Parish Church


Although the Church was built between 1776 and 1836 on the remains of a building destroyed in 1755 in Lisbon earthquake, there are still decorative and building elements that date back to the Visigothic era and the Arab invasion. 

The current church, which was never completed, has three naves. The central nave, transept and main chapel are covered with half-barrel vaults with lunettes. The side naves and transept are covered with sail and barrel vaults. In fact, the first two sections of the naves have never been covered.

Next to the entrance, to the left of the façade, is a beautiful tower. This 42-metre, Renaissance tower is the oldest in Écija and the only one with a rectangular plan. It was made by Hernán Ruiz around 1560. It has undergone extensive renovation after the earthquake mentioned above.

The church contains interesting works from different periods, including the 18th century high altarpiece from the Concepción de los Mercedarios Convent, dedicated to the Our Lady of Succour, a sculpture made by Jerónimo Hernández circa 1575, and the altarpiece in the left nave with a sculpture of the Crucified Christ, known as the Cristo de la Sangre, made by Gaspar del Águila in 1567. Also worthy of note is the carved sarcophagus used as an altar table, an interesting example of Paleo-Christian art from the late 5th century.

The Santa Cruz Parish Church has one of the finest collections of gold and silverwork objects, most from the 18th century, as well as a remarkable collection of sacred art objects -furniture, paintings, sculptures, chasubles and others- from the 16th to the 19th century. 

Likewise, this Parish is the seat of three Confraternities that march in procession during Holy Week, namely, Hermandad de la Sangre (Maundy Thursday), Hermandad del Silencio (“Madrugá”, the night from Maundy Thursday to Good Friday) and Hermandad del Resucitado (Easter Sunday).

It is also the canonical seat of the Confraternity of Gloria de Nuestra Señora del Valle Coronada, patron saint of the city.


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