Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

Parish Church of Santa María la Mayor


The Church of Santa María la Mayor is in the Mudejar style and was built in the 13th century, with additions from the 16th and 17th centuries. The church consists of three naves covered with alfarje roofs (Mudejar roofs) and separated by horseshoe arches supported by pillars and four paired columns.

The sanctuary is polygonal and is roofed with a Gothic ribbed vault, joined to the central nave by a pointed transverse arch. The tower, located in a corner, is wide and robust. It consists of two sections, the second of which has no less than twelve openings for bells, and a roof surrounded by pinnacles, topped by a spire. The tower was altered in the late 18th century, in 1772, with the addition of the belfry and the pyramid-shaped spire.

Inside, a number of marvels can be found. The main altarpiece houses the 17th century image of the Virgen del Rosario. On the tabernacle there is a remarkable Eucharistic painting. In the left nave is the baptismal chapel, whose font, carved in marble, dates back to 1400 (15th century).

In the left nave, there is another altarpiece with one of the most remarkable images, that of the Santísimo Cristo de San Pedro, of great artistic and historical value. Other altarpieces show various images from the 18th and 19th centuries.

In the sacristy there is a veritable treasure trove of gold and silverwork with pieces of great value in different styles and metals.

It was declared an Asset of Cultural Interest by the Junta de Andalucía in 1931.


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