Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

Church of San Martín


The Church of San Martín is one of the oldest temples in the town. It must have been built during the 15th century and it is believed that Alonso Rodríguez, the Master Builder of the Cathedral itself, was involved in its construction. It is one of the few Gothic temples in Seville that has remained as of today, consisting of a single, large nave the sections of which are covered with ribbed vaults, joined lengthwise by a central spine, which are supported laterally by large buttresses.

On the outside, the church has two façades; the main one at the foot, with a very modest Gothic doorway with a double pointed arch that is ahead of the main wall. The tower is located next to it, made of bricks.

In its interior, its notable "Retablo Mayor", designed in 1606 by the Italian architect Vermondo Resta, stands out. The images of the La Lanzada Brotherhood, established in this church since 1932, can be found in front of the altarpiece. As a curiosity, it must be said that the famous image-maker Juan de Mesa was buried here, as stated on a commemorative plaque located on its side façade. It has been declared a Site of Cultural Interest.


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