Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

Hacienda Nuestra Señora de los Remedios


The Hacienda de Ntra. Sra. de los Remedios is a landed estate typical of Seville’s Aljarafe. Given that the Hacienda was used for agricultural activities, it required a specific type of building and quarters that have been preserved in perfect condition.

The grapes from nearby vineyards were pressed into good wine using the press, and the wineskins were stored in the large cellar while the wine aged. Opposite the cellar stood the large house that housed the flour factory for many years.

Bordering these spaces was the primary residence, inhabited by the owners of the estate. Another area, comprising a haystack, stables, a repair shop, etc., completes the large crenellated square that is the customary shape of this Hacienda.

A beautiful garden with a large variety of plant species and a small waterwheel can also be visited.

The Museo Didáctico de la Imaginería –at the time, the only one of its kind in Spain- was set up in this beautiful site to bring insight to the world of Polychrome Imagery and, more generally, Sculpture.


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