Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

Museo Arqueológico y Etnográfico


The Archaeological and Ethnographic Museum of La Puebla de Cazalla is located at the Hacienda la Fuenlonguilla. It used to be a traditional olive oil mill that was operational between the 19th and 20th centuries. Its floor plan is practically square with two differentiated areas. It has a rectangular nave at the west end, where the beam press was located with the counterweight tower in the northern section. The rest of the compound is composed of an inner courtyard surrounded by outbuildings used for different purposes, such as storage rooms, stables, etc. The southern area of the estate has recently been renovated with a modern building. 

This Museum aims to bring Muslims and other visitors closer to their roots, providing greater insight into local culture and customs. It contains a collection of objects that help to understand places, assets and activities relevant to the culture, lifestyle, uses, customs and local economic means. The Ethnographic Museum consists of two parts:    

  1. Arts and customs of a society. It displays photographs and elements of the most important economic activities of the town.     
  2. Archaeological view of the history of a society. Description of the history of the town from the Neolithic to the Muslim period.


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