
Seville enchants

Pre-Roman cyclopean construction. The origin and role of El Higuerón are not entirely clear. Concerning its origin, it is very likely that it was built during the Iberian-Turdetan period. It can be dated between the 5th and 2nd centuries BC.

The last stretch of the River Guadalquivir’s right bank has been dotted with settlements and cities since ancient times because the river provided resources and a communication route that enabled trade and contact between the inhabitants of the territory.

In this museum we can find a wide variety of animals native to the area, stuffed by the town's taxidermist Rafael Diaz Contiene, as well as archaeological remains discovered in various excavations of the Castle.

Different archaeological artefacts and items of historical value are preserved and exhibited inside Burguillos’ Town Hall, including niches for religious images, millstones, roofing tiles, shafts and capitals.

The archaeological site located in the ancient Parade Ground of the Royal Alcazar, popularly known as El Picadero (the riding school), occupies the highest area of the city, where you can find Turdetani and Roman remains as well as the ruins of the wall of a Moorish castle. You can observe Ecija's periods of occupation from its origins, around the 8th century B.C., until today.

This unique altar, built on a canvas from the old city, is one of the city's most historically interesting and charming spots.

The Plaza de España, popularly known as the "Salon", is located near the forum of the Roman "Astigi", where a splendid set of mosaics remain intact. It has probably been the heart of the city, the historical, social and recreational centre of Ecija, since the 15th century.