Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

Rodríguez de la Borbolla Bridge


The Rodriguez de la Borbolla Bridge was built in 1904 to replace the old boat crossing that linked La Algaba with Seville. The bridge had three metal sections that were accessed by a large pontoon with nine vaults.  However, its construction was affected by several incidents and had to be built in several stages. 

The Rodriguez de la Borbolla Bridge over the River Guadalquivir is still one of the means to gain access to La Algaba. The iron bridge was built by the Duro Felguera iron and steel company. This stunning industrial structure is located next to the A-8006 road. Its current layout dates from 1936, although its original project was from 1913. 

The bridge was built in three stages: 1913-1923, 1924-1926 and 1934-1936. The construction had to be done in three stages due to damages to the ashlar structures in the access to the bridge caused by continued flooding of the River Guadalquivir. The bridge was finally declared safe in 1934, and the concrete pipe was installed under the existing deck. This is, therefore, a metal bridge with a riveted construction, consisting of four isostatic spans, each 40 metres high. Each span is achieved by two main trusses six metres apart, creating a working deck width of 5.5 metres. 



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