Cascadas del Hueznar

Seville enchants

The Rodriguez de la Borbolla Bridge was built in 1904 to replace the old boat crossing that linked La Algaba with Seville. The bridge had three metal sections that were accessed by a large pontoon with nine vaults.  However, its construction was affected by several incidents and had to be built in several stages. 

The reason it bears the name of Queen of Spain Isabel II is precisely because it was built at the time of her reign, specifically inaugurated in February 1852. The French engineers Steinacher and Bernadet were in charge of bringing it into being, taking as a model the no longer present Paris bridge named Pont du Carrousel.

The Santísimo Cristo de la Expiración Bridge is an urban bridge in Seville that crosses the River Guadalquivir and is the natural exit from the town to the Aljarafe and the province of Huelva. It was built in 1991.

It is one of the main accesses to the northern area of Isla de la Cartuja, and is close to the Science and Technology Park and the Isla Mágica theme park.

The engineers in charge of its design were Marcos Jesús Pantaleón and Juan José Arenas, also on the occasion of Expo'92.

The Alamillo Bridge in Seville (Spain) is a cable-stayed bridge with a counterweight pylon that crosses the River Guadalquivir. It was designed by Santiago Calatrava and finished in 1992.

The Romans left their mark on San Nicolas del Puerto, which can be seen today in the significant remains still to be found, the best known being the 'stone bridge' over the River Galindón.

On the old road from Villanueva de San Juan to El Saucejo, now in disuse, is the bridge across the River Corbones known as El Puente de los Seis Ojos (Six-Eyed Bridge), which owes its name to the number of arches that form it. This spot is now used to celebrate the pilgrimage in honour of the patron saint, the Virgen del Rosario.