La provincia de Sevilla

Our province

Life and landscape in a diverse and monumental province

La Algaba


La Algaba, on the banks of the Guadalquivir

Just a stone’s throw from Seville is La Algaba. On the banks of the River Guadalquivir, the river that has played an essential role in shaping its history. In pre-Roman times, the town was inhabited by a small group named Balbilis. However, it was in the Muslim era when it reached its maximum splendour. The Arabs called the town Al-Gabab, ‘the forest’, because of its ancient riverside landscape. 

La Algaba, a large town close to Seville, has now become a commuter town. Given its rich history, heritage and traditions, it is a fascinating tourist destination. Visit the Los Guzmanes Tower and its two churches and stroll around the beautiful orange groves that you will find across the Vega del Guadalquivir. 

Enjoy the delicious cuisine and make sure to try the cocido algabeño, the most popular dish. Try also the pringaíta, served in a traditional pan prieto, a typical local bread. 

Do you want to know more? Come and visit La Algaba. 

Getting to La Algaba

There are two ways to get there by car from Seville. Firstly, you can take the A-66 Ruta de la Plata motorway until exit 805. Then take the A-8079, and you will reach La Algaba in a few minutes. 

Alternatively, use the conventional road. Go to the San Jerónimo district in Seville and take the A-8006 which leads directly to La Algaba. Both routes will take you about 15 minutes. 

The town does not have a train station, but you can get there by bus from Seville. Go to Calle Don Fadrique and take the M-110 bus line to La Algaba. 

Getting around

The best way to explore La Algaba is strolling or cycling through its streets. You can also explore the surroundings using one of the routes available. 

Reasons to visit

  • Go to Los Guzmanes Tower Interpretation Centre to find out about the legends hidden within its walls.
  • Enjoy the Feast of the Immaculate Conception differently in December. The town celebrates Los Candevelares. Each neighbourhood holds a bonfire and sings Christmas carols to welcome the Christmas season. 
  • If you enjoy the Carnival, come to the Provincial Chirigotas Competition, known as ‘La Pingaíta’. It is one of the most popular in the province. 
  • Go fishing on the banks of the Guadalquivir or hike on the Camino de la Romería. You can also follow this route on horse or by bike. 
  • Sample the famous montadito de pringaíta served in delicious local bread. You will definitely want to try it again. 
  • If you want to spend a day in the countryside, head to the picnic area at ‘Los Filtros’. 
  • Are you a bullfighting enthusiast? You will love the Plaza de Toros and the Algaba Bullfighting School. Be sure to come for the Fiesta de los Toros in September, when the town holds bullfights with young bulls and running of heifers takes place. 

What to see 

Start your visit at the Plaza de España, home to the 14th-century Nuestra Señora de las Nieves Church. Nearby stands Los Guzmanes Tower, the town’s most iconic building. Built in the 15th century by the first Lord of La Algaba, Juan de Guzmán y Torres to defend the area. Learn its history at El Cielo Mudéjar de La Algaba Interpretation Centre located inside the tower. 

Now cross the Plaza de España towards La Cruz neighbourhood to admire the Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno Church. The temple has a stunning neo-Mudejar coffered ceiling and neo-baroque altarpiece. If you are a bullfighting enthusiast, visit the Plaza de Toros and the Algaba Bullfighting School. 

Then go for a walk on the Camino de la Romería that leads to the Shrine to San Salvador and La Inmaculada Concepción, in the El Aral neighbourhood. Locals often walk this route or practise sports here. Come and celebrate the eagerly awaited La Inmaculada Pilgrimage held in June. 

Last but not least, explore the surroundings of the River Guadalquivir. If you are fond of fishing, you are in the right place. 

Places to visit

  1. Shrine to San Salvador and La Inmaculada Concepción
  2. Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno Church
  3. Nuestra Señora de las Nieves Church (El Aral neighbourhood)
  4. Los Guzmanes Tower, 'El Cielo Mudéjar de La Algaba' CICMA Interpretation Centre
  5. Plaza de España 
  6. Plaza de Toros and Algaba Bullfighting School
  7. Rodríguez de la Borbolla Bridge, the 'Puente Viejo'
  8. Camino de la Romería, wholesome nature route
  9. River Guadalquivir


La Algaba is 11 kilometres from Seville in the Vega del Guadalquivir, on the right bank of this river. Its surroundings form part of the Guadalquivir-Doñana tourist region. The poplar-lined river flows through the countryside and is surrounded by orchards and orange groves. 

17.70 Km²
10.00 m
No. of inhabitants


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