Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

 Convent of the Hermanas Carmelitas Descalzas


The convent of the Carmelitas Descalzas in Sanlúcar la Mayor, under the invocation of San José, was the second convent of the order founded in the province of Seville, in the year 1590. 

From the outside on Calle Real you can only see a whitewashed wall with two entrances to the convent. One of these is a lintelled door with two pillars flanking it and supporting a simple cornice, over which there is a niche, in which a figure of San José is located, crowned by a pediment topped by three pinnacles.

The second doorway consists of a semicircular arch with lateral pilasters and its second body, over the main door, houses one of the convent's greatest treasures. It is the magnificent mosaic of tiles of the Virgen del Carmen, probably from the 16th century, in which the crowned Virgin appears surrounded by nobles and saints and watched over by two cherubs. Under the Virgin's mantle are the two branches of the Carmelite order, the male and the female.

As it is a cloistered convent very few people have access to its interior. The chapel and the large garden are two of the most interesting features of the interior of the building.

In the 17th century the original chapel was replaced by a baroque church. The church has a single nave, with a half-barrel vault divided by Saxon arches, with a plain hemispherical dome in the transept.

Its main altarpiece is the work of Fernando de Barahona, from the beginning of the 17th century, and is made up of three panels, two bodies and an attic. In a niche in the central panel is the saint after whom it is named, San José. In the upper part a Calvary is represented. And in the attic, there is a painting of the Eternal Father.

Opening times

Monday to Saturday, 9.30 am to 1 pm and 5 pm to 7 pm.


María Jesús Ro… 08 Nov, 13:31

Desde 2021 se realizan visitas guiadas culturales a la preciosa iglesia barroca y locutorio. Para información y reservas contactar teléfono 696 530 680

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