Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

Bécquer Monument


Next to Bécquer avenue, there is the roundabout of the same name, the monument of which is undoubtedly the most accurate and most appropriate to decorate a romantic garden such as the Maria Luisa park. 

This idea was developed by the playwrights Serafín and Joaquín Álvarez Quintero, while at the National Fine Arts Exhibition held in Madrid in 1910, a project for a monument to the poet was presented by the sculptor Lorenzo Coullaut Valera. Thanks to this project and the benefits associated with the play La rima eterna, comedia de plácido sueño y de honda poesía (The eternal rhyme, a comedy of peaceful sleep and deep poetry), inspired by the rhyme IV of Bécquer, written by the Álvarez Quintero brothers and premièred at the Teatro Lara in Madrid on 23 November of the same year, the monument to Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer inaugurated in the Parque de María Luisa on 9 December 1911 was paid for.

With regard to the carving of the monument to Bécquer, consisting of a bust of the poet and the seated group of three female figures inspired by the Bécquer X rhyme: El amor que pasa (The love that goes by), the sculpture workshop of Federico Bechini Bagnasco, an Italian born in Livorno and established in Barcelona in 1881, was commissioned. With regard to the other two bronze figures that complete this monument, one is a recumbent sculpture called "Wounded Love", and the other is a Cupid, they were made in the artistic foundry of another Italian, Romolo Staccioli, who also lived in Barcelona in 1888. The group of three female figures at the Becquer monument is made of a single piece of marble.


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