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Camino de Santiago: Vía Augusta


The Camino de Santiago from Cádiz to Seville links the city of Cadiz and towns in the Bay of Cadiz with Seville, where it links up with the Vía de la Plata (Silver Route). It does so by following, as far as possible, the route of the Roman Via Augusta.

This path enters the province of Seville in the town of El Cuervo de Sevilla, a town on the border between the two provinces. You have left the vineyards of Jerez behind you, but not completely, as you join the town by skirting the vineyards of the Santa Lucía estate. You then head towards the chapel of Nuestra Señora del Rosario and from there enter the town of El Cuervo de Sevilla. You cross the main avenue, which coincides with the N-IV, and parallel to this road, in the direction of Seville, at the intersection of the town, you take a path to the left, crossing the national road, called Camino de las Monjas, until you come to a path on your right. A little way up this path you take a slight turn to the right and then to the left, and finally turn right again, taking the path that leads to the plaster factory. You follow the main path at all times, walking between greenhouses and farmhouses, and always seeing the Lebrija Giraldilla in the distance. When you come to a small white house, turn right towards the Lebrija ring road. Cross the ring road with care, continuing to follow the access to the town until you come to a path on the right that runs parallel to some houses and chalets, but which once in Lebrija takes you back to the road, now a street, that you were following.

You leave this town along a very busy road leading to and skirting the Balsa de Melendo, and from there you follow the canal, which will accompany you for most of the way. Once you have left the canal, you will come across an area of low land that is prone to flooding during the rainy season, which could make it difficult to cross. At this point you will see some abandoned stables, which you have to reach in order to continue the route.

Once past this area, you cross the AP-IV motorway flyover to enter the town of Las Cabezas de San Juan. You leave Las Cabezas along the Avenida Jesús Nazareno, skirt the motorway rest area and after several kilometres begin walking parallel to the railway tracks, alternating between the railway and the canal for a few kilometres and then, following the railway line again, you approach the town of Utrera, entering it via the Ocho Caños fountain.

You leave Utrera via the Avenida del General Giráldez and return to the path after crossing the Seville-Malaga railway line over a flyover. There are no major difficulties in following the route except for the crossing of a small ford which could cause some problems in rainy conditions, and which marks the beginning of the climb to the Cuesta Carretilla near Alcalá de Guadaíra, which you enter, passing through the pine woods of Oromana and crossing the river of the same name.

You leave Alcalá de los Panaderos via the bridge of the Dragon, taking a path parallel to the river where you will find several typical watermills. You pass under the SE-40 viaduct and, after crossing the canal bridge platform and walking parallel to the canal, you will see the city of Seville, which you enter via the campus of the Pablo Olavide University. You then take the Avenida de La Paz into the city centre where, at its magnificent Cathedral, the Camino de Santiago from Cadiz to Seville (Via Augusta) ends and the Vía de la Plata (Silver Route) Camino de Santiago begins.

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