Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

Palace of the Count of Castellar


The Palace of the Counts of Castellar, which holds the Town Hall, was built between the 15th and 16th centuries. However, it was reduced to rubble in 1977.

Although originally built as the residence of the Counts of Castellar, it was used for different purposes in the 20th century. It hosted various groups during the Second Republic, it was a prison during the Civil War, a school run by the Trinitarian nuns and then by the Theatines. 

Years later, the building began to be reconstructed according to the original layout, based on old photographs and documents. It was decided that the essential characteristics of the former building should be preserved during the reconstruction. The urban fabric around the building was also meant to be recovered, albeit adapted to its current use as municipal offices. 

The structure of the building preserves the two large courtyards it had, as well as the access doors. However, the distribution within is different from the original one. It was extensively renovated when the building was used as a Theatine school but lacked any interest. The lack of openings in the former building has also been remedied, as it would otherwise be difficult to use it.


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