Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

La Mezquitilla Village


La Mezquitilla is located in the heart of the Sierra Sur of Seville, bordering the provinces of Cadiz and Malaga. It belongs to the municipality of El Saucejo. It has 241 inhabitants and is 2km away from El Saucejo.

Due to its location on the Castilian-Nazari border, it is believed to have been uninhabited until its subsequent colonisation by the Dukes of Osuna. Prehistoric axes and tools, Roman coins, pottery and burial sites have been found in the vicinity.

Its cultural assets include the chapel of La Inmaculada and the old Fuente del Moro. The La Mezquitilla village chapel, although of lesser artistic merit than that of Navarredonda (another village in El Saucejo), has a certain historical interest because of the Moorish remains found in its surroundings.


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