
Seville enchants

This temple, built in 1998, holds the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, donated by the Archbishop of Seville. This statue is the draft of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Tomares that was kept in Seville’s Cathedral.

The Shrine to Our Lady of Incarnation is located within the Celti archaeological site (Asset of Cultural Interest), on San Pedro Street, an extension of Juan Carlos I Street towards Calvario Street, La Viña and the former road from Cordoba to Seville. 

The medieval tower of Villadiego, from the end of the 13th century, is considered the origin of this Shrine. This Mudejar-style building has an octagonal plan and is crowned with battlements. It has two floors covered with vaults, the lower a half-dome and the upper one a sail vault.

This Shrine is dedicated to the image of Osuna’s patron saint, Saint Arcadius, who is taken in procession through the city every year on 12 January. The 17th-century church was renovated in the 18th century. The single nave shrine is covered by a barrel vault and the transept with a dome on pendentives.

The chapel is a stone, brick and masonry building dating from approximately 1734, which was extensively restored at a later date.

The Chapel of La Virgen de Belén is located in the town of Navas de la Concepción in the province of Seville. It is a chapel dedicated to the Virgin of Bethlehem, located next to the mill. It is the place where the pilgrimage in honour of this Virgin was held until the end of the 19th century.

This is a modern chapel dating from 1987 located in the Sierrecilla Lucas. The Roda pilgrimage takes place here on the second weekend of May.