Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

Isabel II Bridge (Triana Bridge)


The reason it bears the name of Queen of Spain Isabel II is precisely because it was built at the time of her reign, specifically inaugurated in February 1852. The French engineers Steinacher and Bernadet were in charge of bringing it into being, taking as a model the no longer present Paris bridge named Pont du Carrousel.

This bridge, popularly known as Puente de Triana, is much more than an architectural building. It has been a cradle of inspiration for many artists of diverse arts, and a link between the most popular district and the old town.

Its materials are mainly stone and iron and it is considered the oldest in the country made of this material. It was also the first to lie on the River Guadalquivir. Another curious fact is that it sits on the remains of the old San Jorge Castle and was designed to replace the Barcas Bridge.

The Romans rejected the idea of uniting the two banks by building a stable bridge. The Arabs chose to build a non-permanent bridge. Therefore, in 1171, under the rule of the Almohad Caliph Abu Yacub Yusuf, the so-called bridge of boats was built, consisting of 13 boats moored with chains on which strong wooden planks rested. 

As the electric tram was introduced in the town in 1901 and was to cross the bridge, it had to be reinforced. Two large pavements for pedestrians and bicycle lanes were also placed, and, in 1976, it was declared a National Historic Monument in order to protect its preservation.


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