Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

Paseo del Gallo


The legend of the "Gallo de Morón" (Cockerel of Morón), who was neither a cockerel nor from the town of Morón, is well-known.
The story originates in the 16th century and there are two versions. On the one hand, there are those who say that the "Cockerel" in question was a tax collector who came to this town from Granada. The tax collector was not well received in the town, both because of his unpleasant mission and because of his thuggish attitude and not very good manners. Hence the nickname "Gallo de Morón", according to this version. When the locals could no longer stand his rudeness, they saw him off with a good beating with sticks and olive branches. This legend gave rise to the popular song: "Anda que te vas quedando como el gallo de Morón, sin plumas y cacareando en la mejor ocasión" (Be off or you'll end up like the Cockerel of Morón, featherless and crowing at the best of times).

The other variant of the story is similar, although it says that the "Cockerel" was a judge who came to Morón to bring peace between the opposing factions that were created in the town when the Town Council was formed in the late 16th century.

The town has two sculptures of the cockerel that remind locals and visitors of the famous Legend: one is the sculpture of the cockerel in the Paseo del Gallo, built in the early 20th century at the initiative of Jerónimo Villalón-Daoiz y Pérez de Vera. The sculpture is made of bronze and weighs 98 kilos. The other sculpture of the Cockerel of Morón installed in 1999 at the Cuatro Caminos crossroads of the Paseo de la Alameda is made of stainless steel and weighs one tonne.


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