
Seville enchants

The Sierra de la Jayona, in the municipality of Guadalcanal belonging to the Sierra Norte Natural Park, is made up of shales and Cambrian limestone, folded during the Hercynian orogeny, with a northwest-southeast direction like its neighbour Sierra del Viento, from which it is separated by a deep valley.

The Sierra del Pimpollar and the Sierra Padrona, are two granite formations located one after the other. The orientation of the structures is northwest-southeast, as is the case throughout the Sierra Norte. Their altitudes are among the highest in the Natural Park at around 900 m.

The Sierra del Viento, in the western part of the municipality of Guadalcanal, has the highest peak in the Sierra Norte Natural Park of Seville. It is La Capitana, with an altitude of 960 m, whose viewpoint offers spectacular views of the northern part of the Natural Park, including both other nearby mountain ranges and the plains of Guadalcanal and the peneplain of Extremadura.

The Sierra del Agua is located in the north of the Sierra Norte Natural Park and, together with the Sierra del Viento, has the highest peaks in the Sierra Norte. The relief of the Sierra del Agua is also very rugged, with steep slopes of up to 70%.

The Venta de Las Navas ZEC belongs to the Guadalquivir sub-basin between Retortillo and Huesna. Geologically, it is characterised by the fact that it runs among hills over metamorphic rocks. The area is mainly included in the mountain range landscape category, within the low mountain range sub-category. 

The Sierra de Alanís is located to the northeast of the province of Seville, bordering the provinces of Cordoba and Badajoz. The entire area belongs to the municipality of Alanís. Given its location in predominantly mountainous territory, between the Western Sierra Morena and the Bembézar-Bajo Guadiato region, it has certain mountain characteristics.

The Esparteros mountain range, catalogued in the Special Plan for the Protection of the Physical Environment of the Province of Seville as a Mountain Complex of Environmental Interest, is located to the south-west of the town of Morón de la Frontera. It is very close to the villages of Aldea Guadaíra and Caleras de la Sierra.