
Seville enchants

This natural space in the province of Cadiz, bordering on the north with the province of Seville, is listed catalogued as a Special Conservation Area. The Sierra de Líjar is a Jurassic limestone mountain range between the towns of Algodonales and Olvera. The mountain range is 1,041 metres high and is a first-order geodesic vertex.

Like the Sierra de Becerrero, this mountainous area next to the town of Gilena belongs to the Sub-Baetic Zone, one of the outlying areas of the Baetic Mountains, and is made up of marl and limestone. The highest point in the sierra is the Acebuchosa peak, at 663 m.

The Sierra de Montellano, also known as the Sierra de San Pablo, on whose slopes the town is located, is a limestone formation that reaches an altitude of up to 600 m, and which preserves natural vegetation of great interest for a town whose surrounding area is occupied largely by arable crops and olive groves.

The Sierra del Tablón, on the border of the province of Seville with the northeast corner of the province of Cadiz, belongs to the foothills of the Sub-Baetic zone of the Betic mountain ranges, which in Seville are called the Sierra Sur.

The Sierra de Becerrero massif, also called Sierra de Estepa, has been declared a Mountain Area of Environmental Interest, and is located between the towns of Estepa, Gilena, Pedrera and Lora de Estepa, rising sharply from a fairly flat environment. 

We leave Almadén de la Plata on the A5301 road to Real de la Jara. After 11km we will find a turn-off to the right towards Cazalla de la Sierra, on the SE179 road. After 9.5 km we will crown the Puerto Padrona- Puerto Quejigo and 17 km later we will arrive at the village of El Pintado, from where there will be 15 km left to finish the stage until we reach Cazalla de la Sierra.

The River Tinto belongs to the Guadiana basin, rises in the foothills of the Sierra de Aracena (Huelva) and flows 100 km through the provinces of Huelva and Seville to reach the Huelva estuary, where it joins the River Odiel.