
Seville enchants

The Chapel of La Safa was built in 1983. It is a single-nave building with a half-barrel vault held up by ribbed arches supported by pilasters. The altarpiece, the arms of lateral lamps, the stained-glass windows and the half-height tiling of the old Seville factory of Ramos Rejano are currently preserved.

The Nuestra Señora de la Asunción Parish Church is located in the southern part of the village in the area known as “El Palacio”. It is situated on elevated ground, next to the former course of the River Guadalquivir, with views over the Vega.

This 18th-century Church (1745-1757) owes its name to the image of the Holy Christ of Mercy that presides over the high altar. 

In Seville, a medieval church was built on top of a former caliphal mosque (formerly a Roman basilica), which today still has its courtyard with orange trees (Patio de los Naranjos).

The Cathedral

The Cathedral of Seville is the largest Gothic temple in the world and the third largest in Christendom after St. Peter's in the Vatican and St. Paul's in London. Building works began in 1403 on the former Great Mosque of Seville, an Almohad work of which the Patio de los Naranjos and the Giralda have been preserved.

The Mudejar-style Church, named after the town’s patron saint, also has Gothic and Renaissance art elements. It was built over an ancient mosque destroyed by an earthquake in the fourteenth century. The old presbytery has been preserved from its initial construction. 

The Chapel of Our Father Jesus Captive, or simply the Chapel of the Captive, is located on the Nuestro Padre Jesús Cautivo Avenue (formerly, Avenida Ancha) in Las Cabezas de San Juan.