
Seville enchants

An Islamic fountain used to water the surrounding fields and as a watering place for livestock. It is a rare example of Alanís’ Muslim past. The fountain is structured like an “alquería”, or rural farmhouses that existed in Alanís during the Muslim period. Rather than a town or a village, it was similar to a “cortijo”.

The fountain is located on the northeast edge of the town, on the former road to the Venta El Alto. A signpost set up by the Town Council indicates that the fountain was built in 1928. The spring feeding the fountain also supplies the town. A well-preserved washhouse, now in disuse, stands behind it.

It is fed from a spring in the Sierra del Tablón with cool water in summer and warm water in winter with a very pleasant taste, and, after serving as a watering place for animals, it is used to irrigate a vegetable garden. Its name comes from the Duke of Osuna, the owner of these lands centuries ago.

This is an old cattle watering place where the women of Pruna used to go to do the washing. There are also some wells, now dry, which were used to supply the town and water some vegetable gardens.

The Pilar del Barranco is an old watering place for livestock. It is located in what used to be a gully or ravine, where several groundwater courses converge. The hole receives inflows from a mine that channels the water from Parpagón Alley. 

It was waterproofed and renovated in 2009. 

In the past it had a pipe called "El Caño el Torero" from which drinking water was taken. It was discovered by Juan Rivero Torero. It also had another pipe that fed a drinking trough. Later on, some washhouses were built where the local women went to do the washing. The fountain is no longer as it was then, as the "Caño el Torero" has disappeared and only the drinking trough remains.

The fountain is located, on Alconchel Street, at the edge of the town of Mairena del Alcor, towards Viso del Alcor. Situated on an old drover’s road, it was once used as a resting place for cattle and a camping site. It was quite popular now during the Fair.