A caballo por la marisma

Seville, beautiful and diverse

Martín de la Jara, escape to Seville’s Sierra Sur

Martín de la Jara is a perfect place for a rural getaway. In this beautiful part of Seville’s Sierra Sur, you will discover a unique wetland, the Gosque Lagoon.

Montellano, natural and architectural beauty in the heart of Sierra Sur

Montellano is in the heart of Seville's Sierra Sur, a town that stands out for its beautiful surroundings.

The Esparteros mountain range, catalogued in the Special Plan for the Protection of the Physical Environment of the Province of Seville as a Mountain Complex of Environmental Interest, is located to the south-west of the town of Morón de la Frontera. It is very close to the villages of Aldea Guadaíra and Caleras de la Sierra.

The various ways in which the so-called Arroyo de las mujeres (Women’s Stream) has been used by the town of Villanueva de San Juan and its inhabitants represents a tour of the history of the town and a barometer of the climate and landscape changes that occur in the area. 

This stream is located in the town of El Arroyo del Salado in the municipality of Pedrera. It is known as the Arroyo del Búho (Owl Stream) or Arroyo del Bujo (you can hear it referred to by both names).

The Coripe Lagoon is a continental wetland in the Guadalete river basin, which is a sub-basin of the Guadalmanil. 

This natural space in the province of Cadiz, bordering on the north with the province of Seville, is listed catalogued as a Special Conservation Area. The Sierra de Líjar is a Jurassic limestone mountain range between the towns of Algodonales and Olvera. The mountain range is 1,041 metres high and is a first-order geodesic vertex.