Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

Yanduri Palace


The Yanduri Palace is one of the architectural jewels of Seville from the beginning of the 20th century, the current owner of which is the Banco de Santander Central Hispano. This palace is located in the Jerez Gate and wasl built between 1901 and 1904 by order of Pedro Zubiria and Teresa, the Marquises of Yanduri, who wanted to reproduce some French design plans. The first architect to carry out this project was Antonio del Rey y Pozo, and was later taken over by Jacobo Galí y Gasseta.

It is one of the few examples of French Mediterranean architecture in Seville, apart from buildings such as the Casa de las Sirenas or the Casa Rosa. It has neoclassical elements such as the circular windows, the balustrades or the door frames in classical style, although the most curious thing point the Yanduri Palace is that it is linked to the Royal Alcazar through the Huerta de la Alcoba, where later the English Garden was settled, so that Queen Victoria Eugenia could visit her friend the Marquise of Yanduri.

When the Marquises of Yanduri died, the palace became the residence of Francisco Franco after 18 July 1936 (a tombstone on the façade recalls this anecdote) and was also requisitioned to house the Headquarters until it was returned to the Foundation. Later, in the 60s and 70s it became a school.

Anecdotally, the poet Vicente Aleixandre was born in the place where the Yanduri Palace now stands, although at that time it was the palace of the Vicentelo de Leca, Counts of Cantillana, the seat of the former Royal Logistic Corps.


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