FIBES Palacio de Congresos de Sevilla

Tourism à la carte

All the services needed for an unforgettable experience

Mare Nostrum Desserts and Dairy Products


Production and sale of dairy products made from the milk of the native goat breed Florida Sevillana.

The passion of this small but impeccable dairy products workshop is cheeses, which are made with raw goat milk from the native Sevillian flowery breed of grazing livestock and exclusively use ferments from their own milk.

Description of the tour

During the visit to the facilities, with an explanation of the production process and an explanatory video of the products, a commented tasting of 4 different types of cheeses is offered.

The keys to making the different presentations are their different refining times and the complementary aromatic treatment to which they are subjected (ash, sesame, lavender or seaweed), ranging between four or seven days of curing for the freshest presentations in bonbon or thimble. up to longer periods of between 15 and 30 days as in the Caprí varieties, stars of the house, always made from raw retinta goat's milk that is handcrafted using French technique.

Minimum number of people per tour
Maximum number of people per tour

Parking Autobuses Parking Turismos Degustaciones Catas Visita Guiada Tienda Compras IdiomaEspañol 

Opening times

Lunes a Sábado: de 10:00 a 19:00

Domingos: cerrados


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