Alcalá de Guadaíra

Seville, beautiful and diverse

The Plaza or Mercado de Abastos was built in 1934. It follows in the tradition of municipal food markets that existed since the Middle Ages. There is written evidence that butcher and fishmonger’s shops existed since the late Middle Ages. The town council would lease the stalls on an annual basis so people could purchase food.

As early as the Middle Ages, the Plaza de Abastos (Market Square) of Ecija was the social, political and economic centre of the area. Trade took place from various portable stalls that sold bread, fruit, milk, vegetables and soap.

The Plaza de Abastos, formerly the San Francisco Convent, is located at Osuna’s Plaza Mayor, a few metres from the Casa de la Cultura and Santa Catalina Convent.

The 19th-century market square was built for public use on the former site of the Santa Catalina Convent.

The rectangular square, attributed to the architect Ramón del Toro, is designed according to the style of squares found in Castile. It is surrounded by colonnade galleries with semi-circular arches supported by columns. The market and food stalls were located here.

The Food Market is located in the Plaza de Andalucía, a large square built in the 1950s. Highlights include the poly-lobed fountain with a wrought iron cross and the slender street lamps with tile-covered post bases with the coats of arms of the Andalusian provinces.