Cascadas del Hueznar

Seville enchants

The Corral del Conde, so called because it belonged to the Count-Duke of Olivares, is a very expressive building of the popular architecture of Seville, probably the most interesting and complete of all existing buildings at that time, now largely disappeared.

Origin of the walls. The section of Islamic wall between the Macarena Arch and the Cordoba Gate corresponds to the extension ordered by the second Almoravid Sultan Yusuf ibn Tasufin (1107-1143), according to Ibn Idari.  This structure was completed in the second half of the 12th century with modifications and reconstruction carried out by the Almohads.

The Cathedral

The Cathedral of Seville is the largest Gothic temple in the world and the third largest in Christendom after St. Peter's in the Vatican and St. Paul's in London. Building works began in 1403 on the former Great Mosque of Seville, an Almohad work of which the Patio de los Naranjos and the Giralda have been preserved.

The gate de La Macarena (in Arabic: Bab-al-Makrin), also known as Arco de la Macarena, is along with the Postigo del Aceite and the Puerta de Córdoba the only three city gates that remain today of those who had the walls of Seville. It is located on Resolana street, within San Gil area, which belongs to the district of Casco Antiguo of the town of Seville.

Located in Seville, the Arco del Postigo del Aceite (Arch of the Gate of the Oil) is the only one of the three existing gates in the old Arab wall. Its origin dates back to 1107, in the time of Ben Yusuf, although it was greatly reformed in the 16th century by Benvenuto Tortello. The wall ran through what is now the Plaza del Cabildo, which still has a small section of the wall.

This is an ancient Christian chapel that may have originally been an Arab mosque of which the mihrab would have been preserved. It has undergone restoration work since it ceased to be used as a prison. 

The fortress is located between the municipalities of Ecija and Herrera. Its dominant position with respect to the surrounding territory led to the existence of a major urban settlement in its surroundings during the Moorish period that survived until the reconquest.