Pinares de Doñana

Natural areas

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River Genil


The Genil, the second most important river in Andalusia after the Guadalquivir and whose general characteristics are described in Badolatosa, has its source in the province of Granada and flows into the Guadalquivir in the province of Cordoba, passing through the provinces of Jaen, Malaga and Seville. In the latter province, the Genil runs through the municipalities of Badolatosa, Herrera, Estepa (area of El Rincón de Estepa) and Écija.

The river flows through the municipality of Ecija from southeast to northwest, passing through the town centre, and although it passes through agricultural areas, it has a strip of vegetation, including areas of riverside woodland, particularly in the section situated to the north of the town centre. In this section, the riverside vegetation occupies a narrow strip on both sides of the river, being one of the least degraded areas of the whole municipality, retaining the natural vegetation of the region, with species such as poplar, elm, ash, willow and alder.



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