Pinares de Doñana

Natural areas

More than three hundred natural sites and nature reserves

La Corchuela


La Corchuela Periurban Park is situated on the lands of a former farmstead of the same name. There are many attractions in this natural area, making it one of the most visited, mainly by people from the nearby towns of Dos Hermanas and Seville.

Among its natural values, La Corchuela offers the possibility of enjoying diverse ecosystems, all with species native to the Mediterranean forest. The southern part of the park has a valuable oak woodland.

The northern part boasts a small grove of wild olive trees, next to the combination of strawberry tree, heather and myrtle that cover this space. The visitor can enjoy several recreational options in the shelter of the extensive pine forest. Several watercourses, such as the Hornillo stream, provide a certain degree of coolnes, and riparian vegetation -poplars, willows, tamarisks and bulrushes- cover the riverbanks.

There are several information panels to help the visitors identify and recognise the fauna sheltered here, for instance, bird species, including Eurasian eagle owl, black kite, cuckoo, song thrush or partridge. This information can be found throughout the route that surrounds most of the park.

Interestingly, next to the car park is an old ring where bulls used to be tested that belonged to the old La Corchuela farmstead. This place is suitable for educational activities.

Suburban park
Surface area
85.00 Ha


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