
Seville enchants

Burguillos, the gateway to the Sierra Morena

The beautiful town of Burguillos sits on the foothills of Sierra Morena, in the Vega del Guadalquivir. It is a town of Visigoth origin with a deep-rooted agricultural tradition. Given its proximity to the city of Seville, it has become a dormitory town in recent years. 

La Madroña is a municipally-owned estate in the northern part of the municipality of Burguillos. It is about 3 km to the north of the town proper, on the foothills of El Cerro de Moro hill. It is used primarily for recreational purposes.

La Galiana Lagoon is a small, shallow wetland that is part of the Lebrija-Las Cabezas Endorheic Complex Natural Reserve.

The lagoon, located in gently sloping terrain, it is fed by surface runoff and direct rainfall. This leads to strong seasonality. It is the first lagoon in the complex that dries up. Its waters are sub-saline throughout the flooding cycle.

La Cigarrera is a small, sib-saline lagoon in the Lebrija-Las Cabezas Endorheic Complex Natural Reserve. This lagoon has the best-preserved strip of perilagoon vegetation in the complex.

The River Corbones is a tributary on the left bank of the River Guadalquivir. It rises in the Blanquilla, Mollina and Los Borbollones mountain ranges in the provinces of Cadiz and Malaga.

The Pilas Municipal Park opened in 1987 and has an area of 60,000 m2. It is the green lung of the town with more than 130 species of trees and bushes and an enormously varied landscape all year round. It has a unique structure. It was designed as an English garden with two large lakes of 500 and 600 m2, respectively, and a 110 metres long stream.

This stream is included in the Doñana Natural Park because it is an ecological corridor between Doñana National Park and the Sierra Morena.