Santiponce Itálica


An immense legacy waiting to be discovered

Umbrete Mosto Interpretation Centre


In the Aljarafe-Doñana region, there are signs that suggest that as far back as Roman times, young, fruity wine with a dense texture and pale yellow colour was made in this land. It was this ancient civilisation, which left such a mark on the province of Seville, that began to ferment these wines in oak barrels.

It is therefore not difficult to understand the symbiotic relation that towns like Umbrete have had for centuries with this product of the vine, the Mosto (must), one of the main hallmarks of the region.

The Mosto Interpretation Centre is a new museum housed in an old winery belonging to the Salado Family, the famous name of the region's wine industry.

This centre has been established with the aim of promoting the tourist and heritage value of the wines of this municipality which, as we have already mentioned, are one of the most important examples of winemaking in the province of Seville.

In addition to the recovery of the magnificent building in which it is housed, one of the most important examples of civil architecture in the town, and the appreciation of elements typical of the must industry (machinery and old tools, such as those used to press, ferment and preserve grape products), the centre hosts an exhibition of photographic panels showing the various stages of production and marketing.

Opening times

Friday to Sunday 11:00 am to 05:00 am (October-March).


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