Alcalá de Guadaíra

Seville, beautiful and diverse

An interdisciplinary centre in which the people of Lora and visitors learn about its historical past, rich heritage and environmental diversity. The visitor can take an interpretative tour of the centre with information panels that explain the presence of the Order of the Knights of St John of Malta, both in Lora del Río and throughout La Vega, their legacy and architectural references.

Located next to the Churre River, near its confluence with the River Guadalquivir, this was the original site of Lora, according to the local archaeologist José Remesal.

The San Vicente Mártir Parish Church was built between 1703 and 1711 on the former site of a church and hospital. The building was paid by Francisco José de la Plata y Ovando, a knight of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem and “Comendador” of Tocina.

The Shrine is located adjacent to the castle of Setefilla, a Muslim fortress on a hill of the same name, mentioned by Alfonso X as Septefilia or Sitre Fillas.

The Shrine was built in the 17th century by the devotees of the namesake Confraternity. Renovations in the 18th century have given it its current appearance. The external buttresses that support the wall and its large size are worthy of note.

Tocina-Los Rosales, in the heart of Vega del Guadalquivir. 

In the heart of Vega del Guadalquivir are two different towns linked by history, Tocina and Los Rosales. The former, Tocina, dates back to the first civilisations that settled in Andalusia; Los Rosales was established in the 19th century when the railway was built.