Alcalá de Guadaíra

Seville, beautiful and diverse

The archaeological site located in the ancient Parade Ground of the Royal Alcazar, popularly known as El Picadero (the riding school), occupies the highest area of the city, where you can find Turdetani and Roman remains as well as the ruins of the wall of a Moorish castle. You can observe Ecija's periods of occupation from its origins, around the 8th century B.C., until today.

The Puerta del Tiro was the main entrance to the Alcazar in the Muslim city. It communicated the citadel directly with the “medina”. However, the Islamic gate was extensively transformed. It ultimately became a gateway with direct access to the palace area during the ducal period.

It was designated a Site of Cultural Interest (BIC) as a Historic-Artistic Site in 1965.

The Cerro de San Cristóbal Monumental Site sits on a plateau atop the hill. This elongated almond-shaped compound is 450 metres long and 175-metres at its widest. It is considered the core area of the original Estepa settlement.

Located at the highest point of Carmona, west of the walled compound, this fortified palace was likely built in the Muslim period, specifically in the 12th century; however, there is no archaeological evidence to substantiate it. 

The Alcázar de la Puerta de Sevilla is located at the Plaza de Blas Infante. The Alcázar or fortified palace stands over the Puerta de Sevilla, making the compound virtually unassailable. 

The Santa María de La Mota Church is located within Marchena’s old Islamic citadel (Alcázar). This walled area, situated in the town’s highest point, is segregated from the rest of the city; hence, its name “La Mota”. It was built around 1356, after King Fernando IV of Castile bestowed the Señorío de Marchena upon Fernando Ponce de León on 18 December 1309.