A caballo por la marisma

Seville, beautiful and diverse

“The Roman legacy in Seville” is a journey through the traces of Rome’s passage through the city and its province, which shows the visitor all the Monumental and Artistic Heritage that we treasure of this civilisation that once colonised and directed the known world.

“The Roman legacy in Seville” is a journey through the traces of Rome’s passage through the city and its province, which shows the visitor all the Monumental and Artistic Heritage that we treasure of this civilisation that once colonised and directed the known world.

“The Roman legacy in Seville” is a journey through the traces of Rome’s passage through the city and its province, which shows the visitor all the Monumental and Artistic Heritage that we treasure of this civilisation that once colonised and directed the known world.

The gate de La Macarena (in Arabic: Bab-al-Makrin), also known as Arco de la Macarena, is along with the Postigo del Aceite and the Puerta de Córdoba the only three city gates that remain today of those who had the walls of Seville. It is located on Resolana street, within San Gil area, which belongs to the district of Casco Antiguo of the town of Seville.