
Seville enchants

Código INE
Town image
Mapa Guadalcanal

“The Roman legacy in Seville” is a journey through the traces of Rome’s passage through the city and its province, which shows the visitor all the Monumental and Artistic Heritage that we treasure of this civilisation that once colonised and directed the known world.

A starry sky, without light pollution in a spectacular setting is an attractive puzzle for warm nights with clear skies and the province of Seville has some perfect natural spaces for contemplating stars and constellations. 

To visit the chapel of San Benito Abad, you leave the town to the southeast, along the San Benito road. It is a short, pleasant walk to and from the chapel itself.

Given the distance between the chapel of Guaditoca and the village, it is necessary to include its visit as a separate route. To visit the chapel, you leave from the northern area, passing by the chapel of Cristo de la Salud.

Seville and its province are known for being one of the hottest places in Andalusia, especially when the heat is more intense during the summertime.

With the arrival of September and the beginning of the autumn season, nature allows us to witness one of the most striking and surprising natural events that can be seen in the province of Seville: The bellow of deer.