
Seville enchants

La Galiana Lagoon is a small, shallow wetland that is part of the Lebrija-Las Cabezas Endorheic Complex Natural Reserve.

The lagoon, located in gently sloping terrain, it is fed by surface runoff and direct rainfall. This leads to strong seasonality. It is the first lagoon in the complex that dries up. Its waters are sub-saline throughout the flooding cycle.

La Cigarrera is a small, sib-saline lagoon in the Lebrija-Las Cabezas Endorheic Complex Natural Reserve. This lagoon has the best-preserved strip of perilagoon vegetation in the complex.

Birdwatching is the most popular form of nature tourism. Steppes, mountain ranges, riverbanks and marshes are home to more than 300 different species of birds. The geographical location of the province places it on the most important European migratory route, which adds many species and individuals to those already common in our countryside.

The purpose of this guide is to provide a useful tool to enjoy this area of Seville, a jewel of Europe and a paradise for nature and birdwatching lovers.

The Coripe Lagoon is a continental wetland in the Guadalete river basin, which is a sub-basin of the Guadalmanil. 

The Brazo de la Torre was one of the three large branches that shaped the River Guadalquivir after the sedimentation of Lake Ligustino, which occupied the entire estuary of the river in Roman times. This branch, also known as the Northwest Branch, is complemented by two other main branches, the Brazo del Este and the Emedio.

The Rivera de Huelva River rises in Badajoz, crosses the province of Huelva and enters the province of Seville through the Sierra de Aracena. Once in Seville, it runs through the towns of El Castillo de las Guardas and El Ronquillo, as well as Guillena and La Algaba, where it flows into the right side of the River Guadalquivir.