
Seville enchants

Recommended ornithological routes in Seville province. Birding Sevilla offers us a great variety of routes of ornithological interest in different geographical areas of the region. Undoubtedly, this richness and abundance of birds are due to the diversification of its geography, landscape and culture, which creates different ecosystems associated with great variety of birds.

Doñana stretches across a vast plain between Seville and the Atlantic Ocean. Sun, air, water and mud are the protagonists for hundreds of kilometres around this enormous and uninhabited geological basin, the history of an Andalusia eroded, transported and sedimented here over millions of years.

Doñana stretches across a vast plain between Seville and the Atlantic Ocean. Sun, air, water and mud are the protagonists for hundreds of kilometres around this enormous and uninhabited geological basin, the history of an Andalusia eroded, transported and sedimented here over millions of years.

Doñana stretches across a vast plain between Seville and the Atlantic Ocean. Sun, air, water and mud are the protagonists for hundreds of kilometres around this enormous and uninhabited geological basin, the history of an Andalusia eroded, transported and sedimented here over millions of years.

Escalera Lagoon, which belongs to the group of endorheic lagoons in the Lantejuela area, is a temporary wetland with high salinity. As with the other nearby lagoons, it stands out for its ornithological importance as a feeding area for flamingos and other birds.

It is an attractive place for ornithologists. February to April is the best time to visit, after the winter rains. 

La Galiana Lagoon is a small, shallow wetland that is part of the Lebrija-Las Cabezas Endorheic Complex Natural Reserve.

The lagoon, located in gently sloping terrain, it is fed by surface runoff and direct rainfall. This leads to strong seasonality. It is the first lagoon in the complex that dries up. Its waters are sub-saline throughout the flooding cycle.

La Cigarrera is a small, sib-saline lagoon in the Lebrija-Las Cabezas Endorheic Complex Natural Reserve. This lagoon has the best-preserved strip of perilagoon vegetation in the complex.