
Seville enchants

Seville's Holy Week is, without a doubt, Seville's biggest festivities and commemorates the passion, death and resurrection of Christ, between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. 

Marchena’s Holy Week is famous for its many traditions. The images, accoutrement and participation of the Confraternities give the Holy Week a powerful appeal.

Located at the top of Mount Calvary, it used to one of the stations of the Old Via Crucis distributed throughout the village in the 18th century. For this reason, it became the place to which the Confraternities march in penance during Holy Week; a tradition that continues today.

Today, the Holy Week festival of La Roda is classified as a Festival of National Tourist Interest in Andalusia and is one of the most prestigious in the region.

Alcalá prides itself in having one of the oldest and unique religious traditions in the entire province. The procession on Maundy Thursday, known as the “madrugá”, includes dramatised scenes of the events on Mount Calvary in which locals and visitors actively participate. This is the essence of Alcalá’s Holy Week. For this, it has been declared an event of National Tourist Interest.

Osuna’s Holy Week, the most important religious event in the city, was designated an Andalusian Festival of Tourist Interest in 1999 owing to its historical and artistic value.

Beyond the beautiful processions of religious images through Osuna’s streets in spring, it is possible to enjoy every year a solemn pageant that reflects the local people’s devotion.

Holy Week is one of the most significant religious festivities in Utrera. It takes place during the week of the first full moon after the vernal equinox. It has been declared of an event of National Tourist Interest. Utrera’s processions reflect the religious and artistic legacy of the Confraternities, some of which were founded in the 16th to 18th centuries.