Alcalá de Guadaíra

Seville, beautiful and diverse

This church combines the Islamic building tradition with the Gothic art provided by the Christian conquerors who came from Castile. The main façade dates back to the second half of the 13th century, with an exceptional stone doorway made up of a pointed arch with archivolts and battens.

The Church of San Nicolás de Bari was one of the parishes founded after the reconquest by Ferdinand III of Castile in 1248. It was originally Gothic-Mudejar and in the 18th century it would be rebuilt as a baroque building.

Temple completed in the 18th century. Between the 17th and 19th centuries it was the church of the Convent of the Holy Spirit of the Clergy Minor. Today, its characteristic and slender belfry, two bodies high and located on the façade, is one of the most unique architectural elements of the church and the street where it is located.

It dates from the 14th century and is made in Gothic-Mudejar style. It was built on top of an old mosque with three naves with an apse, two ogival stone portals from the early 15th century and an 18th century tower with a bell tower. It had to be rebuilt after the damage suffered by the Lisbon earthquake in 1755.