Alcalá de Guadaíra

Seville, beautiful and diverse

Its construction characteristics correspond to those of the 14th century Seville parish churches, in Gothic-Mudejar style, being one of the least modified of that group, despite the vicissitudes suffered by the building over time. Rectangular in shape, it has three naves, the side naves being flat and the central nave having an octagonal apse covered with ribbed brick vaults.

The building was inaugurated with a luxurious ceremony on 12 October 1950, Día de la Hispanidad (Day of the Spanish-speaking world, then named Día de la Raza). The Álvarez Quintero Theatre was opened, representing the old aspiration of Torcuato Luca de Tena, who had hired the regionalist architect Aníbal González to build it in a central location.

The Real Audiencia of Seville is the body of justice created in 1525, at the time of Charles I, to become a court of appeal among the fragmented local judiciary. It is heir to the previous medieval administration, and its headquarters still stand in the Plaza de San Francisco, although after several interventions over the centuries.

Casa Señorial Villa Emilia, also popularly known as La Casa Bonita, designed by the illustrious architect of the Plaza de España in Seville, Aníbal González Álvarez-Ossorio.

La Rinconada’s Town Hall building is in line with the architectural style in vogue for town halls at the time of the Universal Exhibition held in Seville in 1929. 

The former residence of Otto Engelhardt is named Villa Chaboya after the hill on whose slopes it stands.

This building was also known as the “House of the Seven Balconies”.

Situated in the Plaza de Santiago, it has a beautiful carved stone Renaissance-style portal crowned by a triangular pediment with a 16th-century stone coat-of-arms.