

Art, feeling and tradition

Herederos de José María Escobar Livestock Farm


The livestock farm is set in the town of La Puebla del Río, Seville, and runs parallel to the River Guadalquivir, with the farmhouse itself and the plaza de tientas (bull testing area) just 200 m. from the river.

The Soler family also has another brand, that of Mauricio Soler Escribano, and other estates in the province of Seville, and Cadiz, the latter of which could also be used for tourist purposes.
The predominant landscape is marshland, the farm being surrounded by rice fields.

The breeding of the fighting bull is complemented by agricultural activities, tourist hunting (ducks and geese) not related to the fighting bull and activities related to the fighting bull.

The farm has an approximate area of 600 Ha. In addition to the visit to the livestock farm, there are facilities for congresses and receptions, equestrian shows, boat rides, waterfowl hunting, thematic dinners, flamenco shows, birdwatching, horseback riding and any other activities that may be requested by visitors.


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