Alcalá de Guadaíra

Seville, beautiful and diverse

In the heart of the Sierra Morena Natural Park in Seville, 1.4 kilometres from the town of Constantina, is the El Robledo Visitor's Centre. At the centre, the visitor will learn about and even perceive the pleasant sound of riverside woods and the smells of the aromatic plants of the Mediterranean countryside.

This farm and nature school offers a wide range of activities at enhancing environmental awareness and understanding, as well as promoting conservation-friendly skills and, occasionally, the recovery of native flora and fauna.

This Visitor Centre provides detailed information about the Castle itself and its relationship with the area.

Of this old mansion belonging to one of the most noble families of Ecija only the doorway remains. According to records, during the second quarter of the 18th century, the master builders Lucas Bazán and Pedro Lozano de la Torre took part in the refurbishment works commmissioned by the 4th Marquis of Alcantara del Cuervo, Don Manuel de Villavicencio y Castrillo, in his main houses.

The Andalusia Wildlife Centre is a unique facility where it is possible to come into direct contact with some of the most striking animal species that inhabit the seven continents. The centre houses an impressive collection of fauna: from tiny insects from the most remote jungles to superb examples of African elephant, giraffe, Bengal tiger or Nile crocodile.

This is an environmental education and rural tourism facility located on a seven-hectare site of Mediterranean woodland, in the municipality of Castilblanco de los Arroyos, Seville, and set in an area of great cultural and biological wealth close to the Sierra Morena Natural Park.

The Casa Escalera, nowadays Cultural Centre, stands just a few metres from the Shrine to San Juan de Letrán and the impressive San Eutropio Church in Paradas. This beautiful building was built in the early 20th century. Its first owner was Fernando de la Escalera Vasco; hence the name Casa Escalera.