Cascadas del Hueznar

Seville enchants

This monument is located in the Parque del Príncipe. 

Pepe Marchena (real name, José Tejada Martín) - (Marchena (Seville) 7 November 1903 - Seville 1976) was a Spanish flamenco singer who was commonly known as Niño de Marchena. He was one of the great singers of the Flamenco Opera period in the fandango, taranta and malagueña genres.

The Peña Flamenca de Marchena organises every year the “Cantes de Ida Vuelta con premio especial por colombianas” National Contest in memory of Pepe Marchena. The event is held with the support of different local institutions.

The contestants perform different flamenco “palos” (types of songs), with particular emphasis on “colombianas” which receive a special award.