
Seville enchants

This church combines the Islamic building tradition with the Gothic art provided by the Christian conquerors who came from Castile. The main façade dates back to the second half of the 13th century, with an exceptional stone doorway made up of a pointed arch with archivolts and battens.

Like other parishes in Seville, its origin dates back to the Reconquest of the town. It is located on the same site as a Roman temple, on which a Visigothic church and later a mosque were built. It is a Gothic-Mudejar type of church, although it was modified during the 17th and 18th centuries.

The Cathedral

The Cathedral of Seville is the largest Gothic temple in the world and the third largest in Christendom after St. Peter's in the Vatican and St. Paul's in London. Building works began in 1403 on the former Great Mosque of Seville, an Almohad work of which the Patio de los Naranjos and the Giralda have been preserved.

This is an ancient Christian chapel that may have originally been an Arab mosque of which the mihrab would have been preserved. It has undergone restoration work since it ceased to be used as a prison. 

The Mudejar-style Church, named after the town’s patron saint, also has Gothic and Renaissance art elements. It was built over an ancient mosque destroyed by an earthquake in the fourteenth century. The old presbytery has been preserved from its initial construction. 

The present-day Shrine to Nuestra Señora de Cuatrovitas or Cuatrohabitan, is built on the site of an Almohad mosque, of which only the minaret remains. It was adapted for Christian worship following the Reconquest.

The church is thought to have been built in the 14th century under King Pedro I, the Cruel. It was built over a former mosque, the minaret of which remains. It was further enhanced with new elements in the 15th, 16th and 18th centuries.