
Seville enchants

The Cartuja Monastery in Cazalla dedicated to the Immaculate Conception is located in an idyllic place steeped in history, surrounded by forests, with an inexhaustible spring and breathtaking views. There are Celtic, Phoenician, Roman, Muslim and Christian remains.

The church was built taking advantage of most of the mosque that existed before the conquest of Guadalcanal by the Order of Santiago. It can be considered the oldest in Guadalcanal, as it was blessed as a Christian church by the bishop of Coria, Jaime Sanguineto, who came in the company of the Great Master Rodrigo de Iñiguez, in April 1241. 

Declared a Site of Cultural Interest (BIC) in 2001

The Santa María la Mayor Church is also home to Estepa’s Museum of Sacred Art, located on the Cerro de San Cristobal.

The Church sits inside the walled compound of Estepa Castle, next to the Santa Clara and San Francisco convents.

This Priory Church is the epitome of Carmona’s religious architecture and the town’s largest building.
The earlier Almohad mosque was demolished in 1424 to build the Christian temple, the first phase of which was completed in 1518. The ablutions courtyard remains.

The old Muslim arcade, which dates back to the 12th century, is located in the village of Mezquitilla. It seems to be evidence of the existence of a small Moorish village built around an oratory or Mosque. It is assumed to be from the Almohad period, as it shows clear similarities with other fountains built in the old kingdom of Seville.

This building was declared a Site of Cultural Interest in 1931. The Shrine to Nuestra Señora de Cuatrovitas or Cuatrohabitan is built on the site of an Almohad mosque. Only the minaret of the old mosque remains. It was adapted for Christian worship following the Reconquest.

Estepa’s Sacred Art Museum is located in the Santa María la Mayor Church. The fact sheets provide insight into the different changes the building has undergone throughout its history, be it a mosque, Gothic or Mudejar Church.