
Seville enchants

Seville, a beautiful and diverse province

Presidente Diputación de Sevilla

As President of Seville’s Provincial Government, I am unable to find a more rewarding task than to represent a Province that is steadily moving forward to the future, carrying as its insignia a brand recognized worldwide for its international character and historical prominence.

One should not forget that the millenary city of Seville was the crux of the opening up of new horizons thanks to the feat of Magellan and Elcano. The city was also the port of departure and arrival, the two extremes of a symbolic and fraternal embrace of the whole world.

Five centuries later, this progressive and universal spirit remains more alive than ever. 

This welcoming trait is part of the seductive power of Seville, a territory where the capital city merges with the 105 municipalities of the Province to provide an offer that is difficult to match.

The diverse landscapes of its vast natural environment, its rich heritage, and flavours insofar as gastronomy, as well as the abundance of its cultural wealth make Seville a tourist destination with the ability to delight and surprise the most demanding travellers in their search for new experiences.

If, besides our varied and segmented tourist offer, full of fine proposals, we consider the human factor, your experience then becomes unique. By virtue of the heritage and natural excellence that the Province of Seville possesses, our citizens add their own way of being in the world, that in which all are welcome.

That is why Seville enchants you. Come and enjoy! 

Javier Fernández de los Ríos Torres
President of Seville Provincial Government