
Seville, beautiful and diverse

Although the River Guadalete, which discharges into the Atlantic Ocean, runs almost entirely through the province of Cadiz, it crosses the southern part of the municipality of Montellano, flowing parallel to the Sierra Greenway. It rises in the north of Sierra de Grazalema and travels 157 km to El Puerto de Santa María in Cadiz. The approximate total area is 710.34 ha.

The Salado de Morón Stream rises in the province of Cádiz and runs through Seville, crossing the towns of Montellano, El Coronil, El Palmar de Troya, Morón de la Frontera and Utrera until it reaches the River Guadalquivir, at the end of the Brazo del Este channel. 

This stream is included in the Doñana Natural Park because it is an ecological corridor between Doñana National Park and the Sierra Morena.

This place stands out in the Natura 2000 network in Andalusia due to its special importance for the conservation of riverside habitats, some fish species of the Habitats Directive and, in general, the river ecosystem and its essential function of facilitating connectivity as an ecological corridor. 

The Abrevadero Mine, listed as a Site of Community Importance (SCI) and a Special Conservation Area (SCA), is located in the northwest of Villanueva del Río y Minas.

A multi-species breeding colony of five different bat species has been found in this mine, including the Mehely’s horseshoe bat (R. Mehelyi).

This Special Conservation Area (SCA) covers some 4,772 ha, mostly in the province of Seville. This site features prominently in the Andalusian Natura 2000 network owing to its special importance for the conservation of riparian habitats, certain fish species included in the Habitats Directive and, in general, the river ecosystem and the connectivity it provides as an ecological corridor.

The River Guadiamar rises at El Castillo de las Guardas and an affluent on the right bank of the River in the Doñana marshland.