FIBES Palacio de Congresos de Sevilla

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Francisco Carrera Iglesias Embroidery Workshop


Handmade embroidery

Francisco Carrera Iglesias, known as Paquili, is an embroidery craftsman from the town of Seville, registered in the Register of Craftsmen of the Andalusian Government since 1991. He has been working for 40 years in the design and development of handmade embroideries using different techniques in his craft workshop.

The embroidery of this craftsman is not only linked to the most fraternal Seville, but also to other traditions such as, for example, the bullfighting field, for which he has also made embroideries and other cultural art items as, for instance, the works made for theatrical representations of another Sevillian celebrities such as Salvador Távora, without forgetting certain incursions into the world of cinema.

He was a finalist in the 2015 National Crafts Prize, awarded by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism together with the School of Industrial Organisation (EOI), being the only embroidery workshop to participate in this prize event.

His career concluded with the awarding of the Tourism Quality Distinction by the former mayor of Seville, Juan Ignacio Zoido, in 2013, a distinction created and managed by the Spanish Secretary of State for Tourism.

Description of the tour

The group of visitors is welcomed by the head of the workshop, Francisco Carrera Iglesias, who will begin the visit with a brief explanation of his professional career. After giving each visitor an explanatory leaflet in Spanish and English, this craftsman will explain the origin and tradition of Sevillian gold embroidery.

After introducing the visitors to the origins and history of embroidery, they will get to know a sample of the techniques, the fabrics on which it is applied, the different materials and the finished works. For this purpose, he will use a series of materials and tools, as well as a prepared frame that will make it easier for the visitor to understand this type of craftsmanship.

Minimum number of people per tour
Maximum number of people per tour

Adaptado a discapacitados Visita Guiada IdiomaEspañol 


Duration of the tour
30 minutes
Opening times

Tuesdays from 10:00 to 13:00
Video by the entrance and tour in the workshop: € 4.00


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